Thursday, 12 April 2007

Today was a good day. Went late to the plot as I'd been busy with other projects but was worth the long wait. When I did finally arrive and looked around, I discovered lots of new life. The first being the bean .This bean is the answer to a question I set myself when I sowed to trays of runner beans in late March. Both trays were Lady Di but one was bought seed and one was saved seed from last years crop. Today, less than a month later, a seed has popped up. Which tray though? It was, to my surprise, the saved seed! I would have been happy just to get some of the saved to sprout but to find them coming up earlier is a shock. Also showing its head today was the Asparagus, bought too early and planted out without much hope of survival. Survive it has(so far) and it's even trying to grow and flourish.
The carrots I sowed have a few green seed leaves showing already too. It's all go! The Apple is showing blossoms now, I just hope we don't have a late frost. If we do, please let it be forecast so we can get some covers on! It's getting exciting on the site now as lots of people have had earlier sowings come up and its becoming a hive of activity once again. Sure signs of the season to come.The first early potato greens are showing so i shall soon be earthing up. Would like to try using grass cuttings this year, I've read about it and it makes for a deeper bed as well as an easier way of earthing up. Old Bob Flowerdew is raving about seaweed drenches this week so I'd like to give it ago.I know one of the plots on site had a good covering of seaweed last autumn and I know we have a beach very conveniently located so if there is anything to be gained by it, I'm all for it.
The cane fruits are looking very healthy so I'm all ready for a plate full of summer pudding about October.

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