Sunday, 28 November 2010

Frosting The Plot

It may be cold outside right now, no, I correct myself, it IS cold out right now. But, one benefit from the ice cap covering the plot has brought about some stunning pictures. The myriad colours of the brassica leaves,lightly dusted with Winter's icing sugar has resulted in some wonderful images.

Beetroot wilting as the air turns artic.

A bed of Leeks show why they are hardy and essential Winter standby.

Young Cabbage leaves dusted by Winter.

Flat-leaved Parsley and seed heads.

A different view of Japanese Radish 'Mooli'

Autumn planted Onions with leaf litter.

The thick ribs of a Purple Sprouting Plant.

The leaves of a Tayberry imitate the rust covered frame it climbs through.

Thick, almost rubber looking Ruby Chard may wilt but recover when the sun comes out.

The thick,leathery leaves of a large cabbage remain firm against the freezing temperatures.

Flowered Cabbage stems surround Ruby Chard leaves,startlingly vibrant despite the freeze.

Like sugar-coated sweets,Sage has furry leaves which frost beautifully.

A reminder, it is still only November.


Helen/patientgardener said...

great photos though as a new allotment holder I became obsessed with peering at your photos to see how your beds are edged etc - sad I know!

Choco said...

If you'd only have said!
I will write some stuff up explaining my beds, construction and materials.