Monday, 6 December 2010

Shaking The Money Tree

I have been pondering things fiscal and future based and have decided to try a new idea.
I enjoy giving advice and making suggestions, answering queries and such but many professionals do the same as a living. So, to avoid undercutting their livelihoods and to attempt to make this a little more self financing, I am going to start offering private one to one consultations. 
If you have any puzzling problems or troublesome trees, if your lawn is looking lacklustre or your parsnips need perking up, if you can't find the A Team, find me.
Seriously though,I am available for individual consultations if you want more extensive in depth answers than I supply on the site, please see below.

Greenman Consultations:

Website: (under construction, so bear with me!)

or Leave a message on 07793156200 with a brief description and your number and I will call back.

My prices are:

Garden Coaching (for those taking that first step into grow your own) 

1 off 1 1/2 -2 hr visit £45
Regular Annual Coaching Contract (4 visits over 1 year) £150


Remote Consultation (phone/email) £30 each 

Home visit (1 1/2 - 2 hr ) £50
Following visits £40 hourly (min 1/2hr) 

Further details on request.

I don't expect to actually make a living out of this but I would like to test the waters (soil?) and see if it is possible to earn anything from my experience and qualifications!

Meanwhile, the blog will continue as it has always continued and please feel free to comment as you have before!

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