Every year about this time people around the globe start making random promises and rash decisions. This year will no doubt be the same but I am somewhat a quiet rebel so I will just adapt and maybe improve some things I already do. It's less demanding and much easier to keep up. You say lazy, unambitious, I say rebellious.
Anyhoo, one thing I am going to improve on is my pest control. I lost a lot to whitefly and slugs last year, two things which can be easily defeated with a little care and attention and not too much extra effort. I was fortunately given an extendible cloche for Christmas which will help deter the flying pests. We have a steady supply of used teabags and eggshells which will prove a challenge for the slithering pests as well as the copious amount of coffee grounds I produce.
I also have a big roll of horticultural large hole netting. That I will need to think about. It won't stop butterflies but ,if used sensibly it can keep birds off fruit or Brassicas. The trick with fruit netting is to keep it taught. Slack netting will allow birds feet to get tangled up. We don't want them eating our fruit but neither do we want them to die a horrible death trying to.
Alternatively, I could use the net to grown climbers up but I don't like the way the dead tendrils can't be very easily remove after cropping and that means a waste. I prefer to re use, reduce and recycle. Now, there's a thought. I could look at finding used materials we can recycle and or re use.
Fisherman's nets, old packing cases, broken pallets and old window frames from double glazing fitters. Most of these have been already made available at our site but then we also have recycled horse feed freely available too.
I'll get on with looking at that as I vaguely recall pop bottle greenhouses, car tyre planters and builders supplies sacks..
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