Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Welcome to my plot

Well, its time to turn the first spit on a new plot. OK, maybe not a new plot but a new site to blog about the old plot.
I have been gardening since I can remember and since my marriage at an early age have been a keen veg and fruit grower. Add the that the joy of growing flowers to be cut for the house and you can see why I took up an allotment.
Yes, the refuge of the hen pecked old man, the cloth cap and wellie capital or the weird organic knit your on lentils couple.
Well, look again. Young couples, single women and teenagers are now plot owners.Even the odd meat eater!
Maybe the single women are vegan charity workers and the couples are Organic Jamie Oliver fans but they aren't all bad!
As this is a test, more about me,my plot and the various madness soon.

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