Friday, 18 May 2007

And the rains stopped...

Well, yes thanks and you?. OK well, the rains stopped eventually but before they did,I trudged my way down to see that all was still OK at the paddy fields. The weeds were having the time of their lives, the greenhouse, more of a green shanty, was prostrate and broken. Not much I could do as I was carrying my booty from the great plant sale. Put them down safely, fixed the greenhouse, loaded the plants in, sloped off home, drenched and downhearted. Lo and behold, next chance I had to visit, the big yellow thing was out and I had to remove my shirt to keep from overheating! Dug another trench under the black plastic, filled it with strawy manure. Very good reason to use strawy stable manure. It was free! Also available was a heap of wood chip/leaf mould. Used some to top up my earthing on the new pots,though not sure if it's a god or bad thing that it was steaming away as I dug it!Put a layer of strawy stable muck on the compost heap too. It should help balance the bags full of kitchen waste I keep putting on. Had a large bag of grass clippings which I used on potatoes too.
Plantings and sowings now.
Planted out the three tomato plants I bought Sunday at hut sale. Planted out the pumpkin plant I also picked up there into the black stuff. Sowed more brassica, this time calabrese F1 whose name escapes me.(Must take notes) and some more radish.
Cropped some more spinach and planted out 6 cabbages from same sale. Pulled some of my early onions. I thought they were a bit too early but they area good size. Unfortunately, the rain and previous dry spell meant they were starting to bolt, so I had to pull them . Using the bed frame I have for my tayberry as a drying rack now!

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